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  • civil war reproduction fabric
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September 4, 2023
uneven 9 patch progress from Making A Lather

 I have the main part of the uneven nine patch leftovers sewn together.

blocks from a swap and quilt here )  I am ready for borders. 

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August 24, 2023
uneven nine patch from Making A Lather

 I needed to cut a bunch of 4 1/2 inch squares ( blocks from a swap and quilt here ) for the rest of the uneven 9 patches I have left. I was able to see a size of quilt that I would want with some of them. I think I want it longer, as far as I can, with what I have left of the blocks. I have been able to use up smaller pieces of cream scraps for the 4 1/2 inch alternate blocks. It feels good to clean up a stack of odd pieces.

one of my ...

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August 9, 2023
uneven 9 patch project from Making A Lather

I have a bunch (scientific term) of leftover blocks from a swap and circa 1880 quilt here. It is time to stop moving them around, and, do something with them. The blocks are 4 1/2 inches. I cut a variety of 4 1/2 inch creams, and, started sewing them at a guild open sew. This is as far as I got. I still have a pile of squares that need trimmed, and, it might be enough to make a good size quilt. So, more trimming and cutting, and then, we can resume the regularly scheduled program. I am ...

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February 22, 2023
One monthly goal finish February 2023 from Making A Lather

 I have a finish and a one monthly goal completion to celebrate. My circa 1880 quilt is finished. I used 225 swap blocks from my quilty friends to make the top and added a border fabric that was gifted to me from another quilty friend some time ago. I could not be more pleased. The photos are a little dark from an Indiana dreary winter day, but, the quilt is shiny to me. So much talent from other quilters are part of my quilt in each little block.

92 x 94 and 22 yards

I used a cotton sheet for ...

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February 1, 2023
one monthly goal - circa 1880 from Making A Lather

I am tiring of this quilt, again. It has been in time out 2 other times for various reasons. I will make this my February one monthly goal, hoping that the goal will inspire me to stick to it. It began as a swap. The blocks were my one monthly goal for January 2019

I have the border sewn. But it is too tight, so I will need to unpick it, and remeasure, and resew. A tiny set back that has me scratching my head. What happened? I want to quilt and bind by the end of february.

My January ...

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January 13, 2023
swap blocks and progress from Making A Lather

It is time to turn my attention to finishing this ufo on my 5 quilts list. I have the rows I need for a queen size quilt I want to make.

This quilt began as a swap between my quilty friends and me. I have been slowly adding the squares and strips. It stalled again, as, I wasn't sure how to finish the pesky ends. Yesterday, I laid it out on my bed, letting the ends fall over the end of the bed, and started pinning triangles, so, I can sew them into the end of the rows. I ...

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January 10, 2023
cross and crown blocks from Making A Lather

 I am pretty excited to say I have made 81 cross and crown blocks over the course of the year. They are ready to be packed up and sent to the UFO closet ( I mean spa vacation). I have a wonderful collection of civil war reproduction fabrics, and, I rarely use them. I am going to add the scraps into the regular scrap population, so, they might show up occasionally. I have no idea how I am going to assemble them to make a quilt. I was interested in working on precision piecing with these blocks. I think I can ...

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October 7, 2022
circa rows and more rows from Making A Lather

I have been sewing rows for my version of circa 1880 quilt. I believe I have used many blocks from each of the swappers already for this quilt. I am pretty sure I have many more than I will need, maybe enough for another quilt of some sort.

I lost count on one row haha

This looks about the size I want, but, I won't know until I actually sew them together. I have to figure out how to finish the ends.

So far, the rescue itty bitty is doing great. And seems to be attached to my hubby ...

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February 26, 2022
aqua star and crown from Making A Lather

This is the last Saturday of the month for the rainbow scrap challenge. I made the star and crown blocks in aqua. Again, I think some of them are just blue or green, but, they are the closest I could find in my civil war reproduction fabrics. Sprinkled in with the others they will be pretty. I think I have all the projects done in aqua.

Hopefully, I am at a guild sewing day today. I missed last month because of covid, but, I have a few projects I want to move along. I am thinking I will take full ...

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January 8, 2022
red scraps and rsc from Making A Lather

I started sorting for the  rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy with 1 1/2 inch strips in red. I went through the entire gallon bag of strips and pulling any that were not at least 12 inches long. I had a nice little pile. I cut as many as I could into 1 1/2 inch squares for easy breezy blocks if there was 4 matching. If there was at least 3 inches left I put them together to make 4 patches, some will be used for blossom time and some will just be made into random 4 patches ...

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  • civil war reproduction fabric
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